Y-Tech’s TAC system provides an eco-concious alternative to traditional water softeners.

Its powerful micro-crystal technology neutralises the effects of hard water by making the calcium and magnesium that cause limescale, chalky build up on sinks, showerheads and spotting on glass, to stick to the TAC resin beads. Once adhered to the resin, miro crystals form that stop the limescale causing elements sticking to the pipework, appliances and glass.

Unlike other softening systems it does not completely strip the water of ‘good minerals’ needed for drinking water and requires no salt changes or backwashing.


The TAC system can be used as a standalone system for smaller vessels or those with less space. We find our sailing yacht clients find this particularly useful!


Can be added onto the Wash & Go system to prolong the life of the R/O filters and provide the vessel with both conditioned tech water and polished low TDS water..

Contact us to find out more


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